Wow Ursula, thanks for this message of light in these times where fear seemingly perpetuates all major information streams.
Personally, I already made that link between the state of fear and vulnerability to a weakening of the body. This is what the mind-body connection is all about, and it is what many spiritual , and self-development leaders have been advocating for years (Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton , vishen lakhiani, Marissa Peer….)
I have seen the manifestation of a rich and loving mind into MIRACLES in my personal life as well, so for me this is logical as 1+1=2. … Unfortunately, mainstream academia and healthcare are blind. That’s why messengers like you are more then ever needed. I really liked your article, and the references you made to your personal experience made the article much more vibrant. Maybe just add some more paragraph breaks to make it easier on the eye.
Have a great day